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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 7, 2012 2:35am-4:00am EDT

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of attempted mururders themselves. real-life cop who trained ake? 23-year l.a. cop jamie fitzsimmons. >> at the bebeginning of this process, jakwas sluggish, complaining a little bit. >> you complained more than i did. i have to deal with all these actors all the time. the work.g in you because at your life, you can hair back. tremendous accomplishment. >> oh, yes, i can. >> you just tugged on the tail f a snake. it's going to turn around and bite you back. biggest comompliment i hear guys are as as real los angeles police officers. >> it's hard to do to hang out with this guy for five months. ngratulations. > grammy award winning chris rown has a special event for children who have suffered from domestic violence. ourerri was there. >> the first step in making a change is taking esponsibility. get out of your positive.and be
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>> chris brown opening up his world to "extra," inviting terri to the center in l.a. for their back to school fall fefestival. >> imagine how special they feel to be at a place where maybe they're not sure they're comfortable at and to see chris brown. for him to see if i had d it too over when this is what i would have done and i learned it ere. >> chris has spent two yea ith the kids here. they've changed him as much as he's changed them. want to say to people a about the relationships? >> know that everyone is human and understands that. that's what i would teach kids and would really want them to know. it's all about the love, man. >> coming up next week, terri's exclusive sit-down with chris. his life under the microscope now. >> i can't look at every title >> how he's learned to live with the scrutiny. next tueuesday on "extra."
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>> closed captioning and other considerations for "extra" provided by --
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> i'm here with chef roberto and we're going to talk about my favorite fruit, avocado. > avocados from mexico are vailable all year round. >> what, besides guacamole can you use avocados on? > we use them on verything. on eggs. >> tell me what it is. party in my mouth. >> wt about this? >> avocado, watermelon. light vinaigrette. > you're king me hungry. how about a free trip to ancun? ound good? go to the amazing avocado facebook page to find out how you can win. starting monday we have something "extra" special. >> "extra" kicks off season 19 with the biggest party we've ever thrown. eet the stars, win amazing giveaways and money mania. have a taste to the grove and more surprises. ou won't want to miss this awesome event.
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>> that is all happening september 10 right here at the rovin l.a. see you there, everyone. fastest highway in the country. drivers on a new toll road, get this, will be allowed to go 85 miles an hour. that's as fast as the winds in a category i hurricane. the new speed limit effective in november applies to a 40-mile stretch of highway between austin and san antonio. critics as you can imagine say drivers will likely go even faster hitting more likely 90 or 100 miles an hour. that seems awfully fast. >> and minis going 45, the minimum. advertisers may soon have trouble buyi ining commercial t for the super bowl. cbs plans to announce today its advertising game for the big game is more than 90% sold already months out. 30-second commercials selling
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out for up to $3.8 million. that is up from $3.5 million for last year's super bowl. the network could make $225 million on ad sales alone. >> bears/bengals super bowl great. >> future friday forecast. storms, possible. tornados from the plains to the ohio valley. stormy in the desert southwest. and colorado rockies. pop-up storms for the southeast and gulf coast. summer like in the north east. >> 80s, kansas city to new york. fargo to minneapolis. 90s from the site of the super bowl, new orleans where the saints will play, for the big title to miami. thank you, kindly. >> playing eight games there. just eight home games during the regular season. sorry to break it to you. a tough night at brewers/marlins game wednesday. all worked out for one little fan. >> one of the brewers tossed a ball into the stands. but a guy boxed out two kids. caught it. the little girl, none too
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pleased. come on she did everything she could during the game. in an attempt to get a ball. eventually one of the pros threw a ball to her mom. someone else brought her one. she ended up with two baseballs and wound up giving a tv interview as well. a pretty good night. she had her 15 minutes of fame. >> she did indeed. happy ending to that story. i hate when the adults. let the kids catch the stuff. come on. >> stealing baseballs. >> coming up -- our kickoff to football pick season, how you, this year, big change in our "world news now" picks competition. fans, you can be part of the fun this year. >> later, students put cosmetic surgery first before heading back to school. you are watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ you're beautiful it's true ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brut ought to you by pu ultrasoft and strong.
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[ female announcer ] for everything your face has to face. face it with puffs facial tissues. unlike the leading regular tissue, puffs has soft, air-fluffed pillows for 40% more cushiony thickness. so you can always put your best face forward. face every day with puffs softness. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks.
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allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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>> welcome back, everybody. time for some football. one nfl game down. plenty mr. to go. another infant season under way. >> teams are pretty much done getting ready for action. first full day of games coming up sunday with the season swinging in full year. third annual, "world news now," nfl picks competition. an exciting new twist to it all this season. >> can't believe the third year of this. wow. here's the deal this time around. we need you, our loyal fans out there to play your part in the competition this season. this is a new part of the deal here. when you go to our website, right now the you will see a video that one on the screen, include the picks, paula and i and the commish, jack sheehan, have made, make your picks from the game we are featuring this
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week. we pick four every week. >> three of us against "world news now" nation. check it out, watch videos. see our picks. make your picks. we keep track of everybody's picks for the season. >> next week, four new games, we'll have our picks. we want you to have your say too. should be a fun twist to the season. go check it out. bring it on! >> yeah.
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♪ you're beautiful >> college students are going back to school with more than just clothes and supplies. many are actually opting for plastic surgery. >> in fact more students than ever are going under the knife. i recently met two young co-eds in california who for them a fresh start involved cosmetic change. students are heading back to college and the newest must-have
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at school, may surprise you. it's not books or bedding, but breasts. this student is starting nursing school. as a teenager, her chest was the smallest of her friend. while she loves her hips, she feels like her top half is out of sync with the bottom. >> i totally thought my boobs are going to grow, they never did. >> reporter: this student is entering college, unlike kaylin she is interested in reduction. she is meeting with a surgeon to discuss her options. >> i know health benefits was one of the big reasons for doing this. are there psychological reasons for doing it too? >> getting made fun of in high school is still in the back of my mind. >> reporter: the doctor consults with kaylin before surgery puts on a special bra fitted with implants to get a sense of the final outcome. three weeks after surgery we meet up with the girls again. here is kaylin before and here
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she is after. she is now a c cup and feels like her top half is as curvy as her bottom half. >> reporter: you are back in school are you more confident in the classroom? >> i feel like i have more confidence walking in there. don't think it is going to help me on my tests any. >> reporter: jamie is ready to head back to school. here she is before and here she is after. her triple ds are regular d. her shoulder and back pain are gone. when you look in the mirror now what do you see? >> i feel lech i can step into a room, and you know, let myself go. don't feel like there is anything holding me back. >> both the girls stress they put a lot of time into this. they thought about it for a long time. jamie who is very emotional, clearly, was teased incessantly, called dd. she says it had a profound physical impact. she is able to stand so much taller. her back isn't hurting as much. she is actually able to work out in the gym and run without getting extremely fatigued.
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>> a physical benefit. which isis wonderful. anyone out there having trouble, lady come see dr. rob here, upper west side manhattan. be happy to do what i can. >> two for one. >> we'll make some magic together. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15
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at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans,
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you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. all right. foodies, if you like a little sweet and salty like burger king's bacon sundae, you will love this. it is the waffle chip dipper by baskin robbins, soft serve, topped with m & ms, and snickers, and waffle and brownie chips ready for dipping, the waffle chip dipper, ice cream nachos. 500 calories. $2.99 through the end of september. >> thank you baskin robbins. ice cream nachos. also, talk with me. food is good to say good-bye to people. some one is leaving our show tonight, nicole, our prompter operator, leaving us. bringing her out to the set. take off your headset, nicole.
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we have special things for nicole. one of our favorite young folks. moving on here at abc. we have a cake and things. nicole one of our favorite people. she is an avid friend fan. she is a sweetheart. she has been so much fun for the last year. >> i will miss you. >> toss to the polka, nicole, here you go. >> here's the polka! ah! [ instrumental "world news now" polka plays ]
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♪ ♪ >> say good-bye, nicole. say good-bye to america.
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>> it's been great. love you guys so much. this has been the best experience of my life.
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this morning on "world news now" -- four more years. that is what president obama asked democrats and america for last night. during his impassioned address. >> the commander-in-chief's tone and the big takeaway this morning now that both the democratic and republican conventions are in the history books. it's friday, september 7th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> can i get an amen? >> amen. >> it is.ekend is here. >> i'm paula faris. we'll take you live to charlotte for extensive coverage of the democratic convention.
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thenic nomi then economic news. the stock market's big high and why investors have their eyes today on unemployment trend. and everyone is saying that, he knew those numbers for the job, the job report when he spoke last night. >> the president gets a sneak peek. kind of knows. see whether the numbers are a wet blanket on what he said or does point to some kind of recovery. we'll see. stock market great day. jobs report a whole different thing. also this morning, any woman who had a mammogram in their 20s could face a risk. the common test for breast cancer could put women at risk for breast cancer. we'll explain an important medical story there for a lot of women out there. >> i had one, breast cancer runs in my family. i had them since my mid 20s. >> really young. makes sense. later we ask you how you get your cranky kids to sleep when all else fails. after one mom found a solution in an over-the-counter pill.
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lots of reaction on facebook. >> we decided yesterday what we liked. whiskey? >> hot totties. >> old school. >> whiskey, lemon. honey. >> honey. kind of good. all right, first the big story of the day. president obama made his pitch for a second chance last night as the democratic national convention came to an end. >> after two days of absolutely stirring oratory, some say the president's address was reserved by comparison. abc's karen travers joins us. >> hi, paula. hi, rob. it wasn't a speech in front of 75,000 screaming supporters in an outdoor stadium. last night, president obama brought down the house. e used the word hope more than a dozen times and asked americans to stay with him on a journey become to peripros. president obama tried to recapture some of that 2008 magic. the president boiled down the election to a choice, between two fundamentally different
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visions for the future. >> ours is a fight to restore the values that built the largest middle-class and the strongest economy the world has ever known. >> reporter: president obama's challenge over two months is to reignite democrats' enthusiasm and convince frustrated americans it is his plan that will get the country back on track. >> the truth is it will take more than a few years to solve challenges built up over decade. know this, america, our problems can be solved. our challenges can be met. >> reporter: to do that the president outlined a list of second term goals for manufacturing, energy, education, national security and the deficit. before the president it was vice president biden, playing the role of attack dog. revving up the crowd with a slam on mitt romney. >> governor romney said that as president he would take a jobs tour. well with his support for
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outsourcing it is going to have to be a foreign trip. >> reporter: and earlier, a powerfully poignant moment, former congresswoman gabrielle giffords at center stage, leading the emotional crowd in the pledge of allegiance. >> liberty and justice for all. >> reporter: today the president, vice president and their wives will all hit the campaign trail together. as you guys mention the jobs report comes out today. the august jobs report. that critical report may be more significant to voters than any speech we heard over the last two weeks. rob, paula. >> yeah, the reportt 8:30. one adviser said this convention wasn't really a normal convention. more lake a revive val. last night, what type of tone did the president take in his speech? >> paula, he was very optimistic. because he had to be. that poll number is very brutal for them. 2/3 of americans say the country is heading on the wrong tracks.
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the president doesn't have an option but just saying, look, we know things are challenging, times are tough. things will get better. and vice presidented by in had a line earlier where he said the journey of hope is not yet finished we are on our way. that seems to sum up what their message could be, stick with us, don't switch over to mitt romney. things will be better if you keep us in office. a challenge for the president to try to acknowledge those difficulties but inspire enthusiasm and rev up democrats and convince skeptical voters to come on board. >> indeed. not a heavy policy speech, karen. trying to lay out, a broad vision for the country and kind of say, this, side a thinks this, we think that. y'all decide. and interesting how they painted, ended the convention last night. thanks to abc's karen travers live this morning from charlotte. be sure to join an already very active discussion online about the convention there on our facebook page. and our analysis continues from charlotte actually when senior washington editor, rick klein,
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joins us in a few moments. >> as karen mentioned, 8:30, the labor department releases numbers. today's report on august unemployment predicted to show the jobless rate at 8.3%. analysts forecast there were 120,000 new hires last month compared to 163,000 in july. the markets in asia are up following wall street's lead. the dow hitting a four-year high. what are investors around the world so optimistic about? abc's dan harris has the story. >> reporter: this stampede of bulls had two main triggers -- first a major concrete plan by officials in europe to rescue countries there that are drowning in debt. a crisis that has threat tuned drag america's economy don with it. and second, new numbers showing american businesses added 200,000 jobs last month.
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the last time the dow was this high the recession was just beginning and george w. bush was president. the four years since then have been a by turns, thrilling, soul killing, roller coaster ride. march 2009, the dow hit its low point, 6,547. 50% of its value wiped out. but since then, an historic surge, the fastest since world war ii. although uncertainty remains. >> it is a sigh of relief, i don't think it is long term. i think it is something that we get this week. and maybe next week. and then, we're off to the races again. >> reporter: next shoe to drop, a big one, tomorrow. the august jobs number. many of the recent reports have been very disappointing. but itf this one exceeds expectations today's rally could very well continue. dan harris, abc news. new concerns this morning about syria's stockpile of chemical weapon a published report says it may be larger and more dispersed around the country than
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previously thought. video from anti-government forces shows widespread clashes still raging in several cities. and estimated 23,000 people, think about that, 23,000 have been killed since that violence began in march of last year. >> numbers -- in medical news, a study sg jesting mammograms for young women at high risk of breast cancer may do more harm than good. researchers found that women who have a history of chest radiation in their 20s had a 43% higher risk, they say an mri, safer chis for young women. although mammograms are beneficial for women over 50. i had one, had to have a biopsy, couple years ago, i would rather be on the safe side. >> amen to that. third visitor to yosemite national park died of hantavirus. eight have been diagnosed with the rodent borne disease. and in a second area of the park, high sierra camp.
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16,000 people have stayed in the two affected areas this summer alone. although there is no cure for the disease. it is very rare. a forest fire burning in southern washington state is now threatening more than 400 homes in a popular recreation area. just 10% contained at this point. hundreds of firefighters managed to confine it to two square miles in the columbia river gorge. some homeowners who initially ignored mandatory evacuation orders decided to leave yesterday fearing the wind might ping. people along the gulf coast are keeping a very close eye on isaac's offspring which cou get its own new name. isaac still the storm that will not diet. forecasters giving the so-called spawn of isaac a 30% chance of regenerating into a tropical system called nadine. rim nanlt of the storm broke off after hitting louisiana and drenching parts of the midwest and ohio valley. katri katrina, the only modern example of a dissipated storm that did reform into a hurricane.
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and we know how that story ended, seven years ago. >> back to politics. we told you about the presidential campaign, rather. we are going to ask what would politics be without a 7/11 election. >> like the sound of that. it is that time again when 7/11 lets coffee customers support their candidate with a choice of cups. those for president obama can have their coffee in a blue cup. and mitt romney supporters in a, red cup. >> where are the purple cups? since the promotion began in 2000, the company says its seven elections have practically mirrored the final national results. at your local 7/11 from now until election day. and a slurpee though? that's why i go to 7/11. >> huge slurpee fan. good idea. let people poll tech over their java. >> good pr. gets their name out there. >> coming up your advice on getting cranky kids to go to sleep especially when it is past their bedtime.
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which you hope is right now for everyone watching. >> just start drinking, usually, kidding. >> no. >> that's our top story, the presidential democrat -- democratic convention is history. you are watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol max toilet bowl cleaner. lysol toilet bowl cleaner gives you maximum coverage from the rim down to the water line to kill 99.9% of germs. and removes stains better than clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach. so if you want to do the whole job, lysol's got you covered. lysol. mission for health. and for an incredibly clean and fresh bowl with every flush, try the no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner.
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15
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at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ ♪ >> little bit of a techno politic music. >> get out your glow sticks, america. president obama's long anticipated speech ended the democratic convention. >> indeed, abc's senior washington editor rick klein is live this morning in charlotte for us. and rick, we know that going second can be an advantage you kind to get to retort everything said, was incumbency an advantage for the sitting president? >> incumbency is the biggest advantage the president has, by its nature.
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i tell you it was weighing all over this arena throughout the week, particularly in president obama's acceptance speech. big anticipated moment because the promise of what he offered four years ago was everywhere to be seen. the adoring crowds, all of the big rhetoric, hard for him to reach back into the bag of tricks neg he has been in office for four years. it is harder to ask for hope and change when you brought the change, you are holding the white house, very hard to fire up your supporters when you are the occupant of the white house. >> some critics will say there wasn't enough meat, potatoes, substance in the speech. it was several speeches jammed into one. where did he hit his stride? >> look, he told people not to be cynical. this is a nation right now of septicembe. skeptics. they want answers about, the changing the style of politics in the nation, specific issues that delegates cared about.
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they're ready to fight for him. they want to hear what went wrong over the last couple years and what he can offer for the future wec future. we started to hear that. by no means did he close the deal. left questions why people fought for hope and change four yaerz ago and have taste of disappointment in their mouths today. >> really what struck me about the speech, rick, how hard the president went after romney and ryan on the issue of, foreign policy. one because there was, to me at least the most partisan part of the speech. two, really the focus for the country is the economy not necessarily foreign policy. were you surprised by that as well. did you think that was an effective part of the speech? >> he was almost rubbing in the fact he is the president, and they aren't. four years ago he didn't have any more experience than hey have now. he lifted every gaffe, foible, that mitt romney has uttered around foreign policy and national security bringing up headlines that mitt romney went over to lon dodon and seemed to
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insult the britbritish. you are right to a lot of folks who care about the economy and jobs, first and foremost to hear partisan rhetoric in foreign policy may have had a tin ear. >> i think a lot of people are anticipating the first presidential debate in denver, colorado. 26 days from now. october 3. what is next for both campaigns moving forward, rick? >> oddly enough, back to where they started. both campaigns are going to be in iaa and new hampshire later today. both, emblem atti emblematic. back where we started literally. >> good insight. >> appreciate it, rick. this line summed it up. he says the choice you face won't be between two candidates or two parties, a choice between two different paths for america. a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future. speech light on details. light on policy. trying to say i have this vision. other guys have this one.
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y'all decide. a broad eer appeal to voters. independents are critical, 6%, 8%. small sliver of the country they're trying to reach out to. still ahead, a woman insists an over-the-counter remedy puts her two young children to sleep. >> what is your favorite sleep secret for your kids. see the responses on facebook next.
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♪ mr. sandman bring me a dream >> and isn't that so cute? >> we told you about this one yesterday, a mom who uses a supplement to get her kids to sleep at night. >> jess ska bica banks gives men to her kids, and she says
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melatonin helps them relax. produced by our brains. manufactured verse provide the body with a higher dose and is not approved by the fda. >> that brought us to our facebook question. we wanted to know how do you help your kids when they have some trouble getting their zs. >> a lot of judgment back and forth. julia says i rub her back and her forehead from mid nose straight up. puts her right to sleep. i'm very blessed to have a good sleeper. will try that on you. >> i am so, touch me, i am out. tiffany says, depend on the age. if they're a baby i'll do my best. but once you get spanking age, you better just get in that bed and lie there. like threat of violence. >> mr. spoon in the house. giving melatonin to kids to help them sleep is dangerous. they can become dependent on artificial levels of tight sleep and can lead to really crazy dreams which could affect them. good point there. interesting. >> laura, i cuddle with them and tell them stories of when i
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couldn't go to sleep and how my mom and dad did what i was doing with them. little bedtime story. not bad at all. thank you for weighing in. >> we appreciate it. if you have anything to say go to our facebook page, we're right back. every time someone chooses finish over cascade,
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it sparks a movement. because people can't keep it to themselves. look ! no ugly spots ! awesome!
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incredible shine. i'm switching for good. love, love, love finish! over a million people have switched to finish. try finish free. visit us on facebook. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15
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at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. welcome back, time for "insomniac theater." this morning we have a look at two new movies that are -- i don't know why i enjoy that? two new movies geared toward very different audiences like the conventions. >> yes, you are not the only one that enjoys theater. first up this friday, the bachelorette, starring kirsten dunst, a dirtier spin-off of bride maids. the premise. the night before one of their friend's weddings. typical bachelorette party, the
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pride, becky played by rebel wilson. wants to keep it tame. her bride maids as you can tell want to get a little crazy. we wanted to show you a clip of it. it was so raunchy, that we weren't able to. >> prudes. >> there seems to be a little jealousy, isla fisher. and jealousy amongst the bridesmaid. why her, not us, we're not getting married. pretty raunchy. based on the off broadway hit by leslie hegland. l.a. times saying a caustic, drunken tragedy with lipstick. the humor is so costing you won't know whether to laugh or cry. rotten tomato, 49%. >> i'm sold. i'll check it out, dirty lady. i had "cold light of day" quick synopsis is, this man, played by, this man, character's name will saul goes to spain for a weekend long vacation. his family is kidnapped because of the mysterious briefcase. he find himself on the run here,
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which is very, interesting. so the drama and action ensues from that pin the on. only 8% on rotten tomatoes, because not a lot of folks know about it just yet. one tough review here said the movie could have been a lot better if it turned out, turned out to be, lacked direction,n, d quickly turned predictable. take a listen. >> i don't book gospel quartets and picasso experts. that's not the job i do at the embassy. the only thing that's true is i have worked for the government a long time. >> so what do you do? >> it's a branch of the agency. >> you're cia and you don't know where they are? >> i'm sorry. >> big stars in this one the bruce willis, sigourney weaver, same review, says any one familiar with mission impossible has seen it all before. nothing new here but star power. >> at least get some popcorn out of it.
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>> i'll take the bridesmaids though. >> i'll take the bridesmaids though. >> oh, yeah. action i love telling big stories about big heroes. but, at the end d of the day, rl life is better than any story. our service men and women are ththe real heroes. every day theyey make the crifices for their country; for my country; for my son's country. the uso gives s us real ways to suprt our real heroroes. there is a way we can n say thanks. you can to and make a real difference in their lives today. do it.
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this morning on "world news now" -- president obama asks america to give him another term promising our problems can be solved and our challenges can be met. >> some of the soaring rhetoric of four years ago was replaced by the sobering realities of 2012. it's friday, september 7th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." ah, yes. >> good morning, everybody. >> is it friday, thank you, lord, it's friday. didn't mean to be picking my teeth there a second ago. sorry about that. >> good morning, everybody. i'm paula faris. >> i'm rob nelson. well, energy, education, and the economy all key topics last night as the president accepted
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officially the nomination in charlotte. we'll have a live wrap-up from charlotte coming up in a moment. also in this half-hour, the airline hoax that was no laughing matter. turning a flight around in fact and turning one man's birthday flight into an absolute nightmare. >> bob woodward and high stakes deal making with the economy on the brinks. >> i love books like that that give you the nitty-gritty behind the scenes, what it is like away from the cameras. fascinating detail. of course, it's woodward, you know it is good. later from a boy band to the biggest names in music who went home with this year's video music award and who had the fans screaming? all that is coming up in "the skinny." i must admit -- as a political junkie, i forgot the vmas were on. >> whatever --
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you dvr-ed it. >> should have. i saw some e-mail. more people watched bill clinton's speech than watched nfl season premier with giants-cowboys. i was encouraged the country paid more attention to politics than athletics. >> the game wasn't as close as it was in the end. that helped as well. first politics -- president obama had a hard act to follow in accepting his party's nomination. even his own performance four years ago. >> so much changed between then and now. the president's speech had to acknowledge that. it wasn't exactly the change he hoped for and the country hoped for. abc's terry moran is in charlotte with more. >> reporter: they still love him. barack obama may be struggling in the polls and fighting for his political life. >> madam chairwoman, delegates, i accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> reporter: still you couldn't help but think, what a difference four years have made. he is so much grayer now. the toll the presidency takes.
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the youthful aura that still clung to barack obama in 2008 has been burned away by the searing pressures of power. so he spoke tonight as a man of hard and some times builter expeer yens, a survivor. he spoke tonight a man of hard >> i recognize that times have changed since i first spoke to this convention. >> reporter: and that's why vice president joe biden went all out too. >> we can now proudly say what you have heard me say the last six months -- osama bin laden is dead, and general motors is alive! >> reporter: the president did something else. he addressed directly the frustrated hopes and mixed feelings about his leadership out across the country. >> now i won't pretend the path i'm offering is quick or easy. >> reporter: this was really the president's biggest challenge, the biggest challenge in his campaign. to overcome the disappointments and doubts among so many americans, who voted for him in 2008. and give them hope again. >> everyone did expect hope and
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change. and they expected it instantaneously. however the mess was created over a lengthy period of time. >> reporter: in the end it was once again hope that barack obama spoke of. hope in tough times. >> america, i never said this journey would be easy. and i won't promise that now. yes, our path is harder. but it leads to a better place. >> reporter: terry moran, abc news, charlotte, north carolina. >> very presidential. there was one especially emotional and history making moment at last night's convention. a tear-jerker, former congresswoman gabrielle giffords took the stage to lead the pledge of allegiance. she spoke the word clearly and with a huge smile bringing the dell gets to their feet. many in tears, before a long list of speakers took the stage. >> in tampa, they talk with great urgency about the nation's
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debt and the need to act, to act now. but not once did they tell you that they rejected every plan by us or any other respected group. to reduce the national debt. there are not for any of them, because they're not prepared to do anything about the debt if it contained even one dollar, or one cent in new taxes for millionaires. folks, that's not courage, and that's not fair. >> as a catholic woman i take reproductive health seriously. and today it is under attack. this year alone more than a dozen states have passed more than 40 restrictions on women's access to reproductive health care. now isn't the time to roll back the rights we were winning when my father was president. >> the entire auto industry and the lives of over 1 million hard-working americans teetered on the edge of collapse and with it the entire manufacturing
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sector of this country. well, in romney's world, the cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft! >> former governor of michigan. firing everybody up. >> her speech had people riled up. obviously now we are on to the nitty-gritty, last two months. the president gave a line last night i thought spoke volumes about the differences between the two parties. this is what he said -- we don't think the government can solve all our problems but we don't think the government is the source of all of our problems any more than our welfare recipients or corporations or unions or immigrants or gays or any other group were told to blame for our troubles because america we understand this democracy is ours. the role of government in our life plus those minority groups he mentioned. i thought that was a very interesting line that spoke to the base, and spoke to the larger point he wanted to make about two different competing visions for the country between him and romney. >> some folks wanted a little bit more. no talk of stimulus cap and
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trade obama care. and we have a lot of word counters who tell us how long the speeches go. obama mentioned tax ten more times than romney. romney mentioned jobs ten times more than obama. so the distinction there. but i think, it was, a solid, solid speech, but those speeches beforehand from former president bill clinton and michelle, that was a tough act to follow. >> they don't have burden of being in office. joe can come out swinging. clinton can come out swinging. they do the dirty work. the president has to appear presidential and take the high road. a few good solid body shots at romney. it wasn't the full frontal that i think you saw in other cases here. he did focus heavily on foreign policy. that was i think a rebuttal to romney, not mentioning afghanistan, the war at all in his speech first time in 52 years, war has not been in the speech. that's why it is so heavy. again, let the analyses continue all day today. right. and, to join our active online discussion about the democratic national convention, do so on
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our facebook page, now to the bizarre turn of events for one airline passenger. the man was flying home to texas to celebrate his 29th birthday with family and friends. that's when police got a tip that he was carrying a dangerous substance. the plane returned to philadelphia, where he was then taken into custody. but nothing was found and the call was determined to be a hoax. >> look at the resources that were expended. the delays to the passengers. the expense to the agency's involved. and to the airport authorities. >> it is incredibly foolish and irresponsible thing to do and bottom line it is criminal. >> yeah, the man the subject of the hoax was allowed to board another flight to texas. when he arrived in dallas he was arrested on outstanding, unspecified warrants. a broken off remnant of hurricane isaac that made its way to the gulf has a 40% chance of becoming another tropical system. the rejuvenated storm could be
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named nadine and could bring a wave of heavy rain and flooding to coastal areas from louisiana over to florida. give the gulf coast a break, after isaac, last week. >> our extreme weather team says this is pretty rare to be able to spawn off like this. >> let's hope it doesn't reform. keeping an eye on it. >> your friday forecast, everybody. scattered showers and thunderstorms, get the umbrellas from the gulf coast, carolinas. hail, 70 mile an hour wind and chance of tornados around detroit, st. louis, memphis, little rock, more monsoon storms in the southwest. triple digit day in dallas and phoenix. 80s, 90s in the rockies. upper 80s from atlanta to new york. one more presidential item. this one from russia. check out vladamir putin dressed in white to simulate an adult siberian crane. >> to do what? >> adult siberian crane. a bird. >> indeed. he really got into the part. getting on board a motorized hang glider and leading several
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young bird on migration. the birds are endangered and raised in captivity. they needed a little help. >> the latest of putin's interactions with animals. he is not sure what is next. the cameras of course will be there to cover it all. i am sure we will find a way to get it all in our newscast, right? >> you think putin, hard core leader, serious guy, image of him in the contraption is fascinating. >> remember him shirtless, riding on horseback. does he think he is fabio. >> putin, man, politics never dull. spent eight years married, laughing, why two famous comics splitting up. >> high stakes political secrets about your tax money and closed door negotiations. washington insider scoop you won't want to miss. all coming up on "world news now." ♪money changes everything >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lime away. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lime away.
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until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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a new book by journalist bob woodward is offering a fly on the wall perspective of one of the nation's biggest financial crises. >> how much would you pay to be a fly on the wall. a behind the scenes look at the negotiations between the president and speaker of the house on spending cuts. abc's jonathan karl has an exclusive first look. >> reporter: the president and the speaker, the talks were secret and woodward said stakes higher than anybody realized at the time. >> you talk about it essentially as 44 days the financial equivalent of the cuban missile crisis? >> so serious they couldn't tell the world how bad it was at the time. >> reporter: in the price of politics published on september 11, bob woodward gives a blow by blow account of theffort to reach a so-called grand bargain. spending cuts and tax increases
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to cut the deficit. the deal was tantalizingly close but broke down near the end when woodward says the president asked boehner to agree to more tax increases. for boehner, that was a deal breaker. he wasn't going to get a damn dime more out of me, boehner told woodward. at a critical juncture, boehner didn't bother to return the president's phone calls. when they finally connected, boehner tells woodward, the furious president was spewing coals. the president acknowledged he was angry and told woodward he had sympathy for boehner because he couldn't control extremists in the tea party congress. you see how crazy these people are. i understand him, the president said. to woodward, the total breakdown of the talks reflected badly on everyone. it was increasingly clear that no one was running washington. that was trouble for everyone, but especially for obama. woodward shows an almost complete lack of communication
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between republicans and the white house when republicans won the house in 2010, the president wanted to call john boehner to congratulate him and nobody in the white house had his phone number. jonathan karl, abc news, democratic convention in charlotte. >> ooh. >> you look and wonder if obama does win re-election, what will be different in washington get past the stalemate that we saw. boehner gave a fascinating interview. you want to know the difference between me and obama. during the sessions i was in the chair having a cigarette and glass of merlot. obama was having iced tea and chewing on nicoret. a fascinating detail behind the scenes. >> 18 months reporting on this, it will come out 9/11 on tuesday. wonder how much he will charge for it. >> his 17th book. man, interesting. politics, dirty. coming up, the highest honors last night at video music awards. and robert pattinson's big appearance. >> two comics, their long-time marriage, and why they're not laughing anymore. it's all next in "the skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations. hi, i'm jon secada.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny ♪ skinny
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♪ so skinny >> welcome back, everybody. we hope everyone is watching the convention, the past two weeks. we know not everyone, politics isn't everyone's cup of tea. maybe tune into the video music awards last night. if you did not we want to give you a recap now some of the big winners last night. so here we go. the band new direction, actually took home three awards last night. congrats to them. >> who? >> new direction. new direction. getting old. we're in an old direction. right here. best female, best male video. nicki minaj, best female. chris brown, best male video. all important video of the year award went to my ex-wife rihanna. >> you too? >> drake won some. cold play. and kevin hart, wasted no time taking digs at the celebrities. >> here is my thing, snooki, i
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don't want you to do anything crazy with the baby, spray painting it orange, or hair styles. like all the guys on jersey shore do. it's a baby. don't go down that road. that is my advice to you. drake loves to recycle. drake thought there was a recycle bin in chris' section. he threw the bottle. chris didn't see it. he was dancing. he had his head down, right. so, when he lift his head up. he got hit with the bottle. drake was like, and my bad, the bin. chris was look you called me [ bleep ]. no, the bin. that's how they got in a fight. it was over a mistake. nip it in the bud. i'm tired of it. fix it tonight. >> guess you had to be there. congratulations to all the folks at video music awards last night. looks look fun. and my ex-wife, alicia keyes, hey, boo. >> robert pattinson was there. kristen stewart was not. hoping for appearance together on the screen. >> nothing. didn't show her onscreen. good luck with that.
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>> one couple i kind of appreciated because they're both so funny. will arnett and amy polar, calling it quits after nine years of marriage. they have two little boys, splitting amicably. in 2005, he makes me feel safe, you can have adventures if you have some one by your side. heed said, first time he saw her on stage, he said i will marry that girl. her first marriage. his second marriage. he was married to penelope ann miller. they are done after nine years. >> she is great. funny. nine years is a long time in hollywood. 40 years in hollywood time. made it longer than others. also, we told you in "the skinny," sometimes nasty divorce between camille and kelsey grammer, we all know "frazier" she will get according to tmz, straight 50% of the assets and could walk away with a cool $30 million.
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wow. >> just have to sell the homes that they own before they can cash in on that. >> they have three homes on the market right now. so, divorce can pay, i guess. >> uh-huh. >> wow $30 million. >> uh-huh. >> wow $30 million. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too.
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at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ everybody's working for the weekend ♪ ♪ everybody wants a new romance ♪ >> all right. ooh, the longest shot ever. ooh, yes. >> can we hear 45 more seconds of the song. awkward. >> it is a friday, isn't it? a week of storms from mother nature to politics. >> along with surprises from the royal family, just for you, rob, and talk show host. here is our "friday rewind." >> every president since the great depression who asked americans to send them into a second term could say that you are better off today than you
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were four years ago except for jimmy carter and president barack obama. >> are we where we need to be, no. >> we have a lot more work to do. >> that's not the question of this election. >> you want to know if we are better off, i have a bumper sticker for you, osama bin laden is dead and general motors is alive. >> my mother fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, i could hold this microphone. >> i have seen firsthand that being president doesn't change who you are, no, it reveals who you are. >> are we where we want to be today? no. is the president satisfied? of course not. but are we better off than we were when he took office? >> if you believe in a country where everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair
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share, and everyone plays by the same rules, then i need you to vote this november. >> all they did was protect new orleans didn't protect the outlying areas, water don't have some where to go. it had to come this way. >> it is hot, sticky, my house is stinky and the carpets are all wet and mold is growing. >> i wish she had a little more class and waited until he separated first until she decided to fornicate with the help. >> never one to be shy in coming forward -- i'll give it a go. >> it is so nice to be able to have a co-host literally sweep you off your feet. and i know -- that he could bench press me if he wanted to. >> oh, big bear hug. and want to know why you are up at this hour. tweet us pictures why you are watching us. >> why don't you sweep me off my feet like michael strahan does to kelly ripa. send us pictures, wnnfans on
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twitter. come on, try it. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing
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